So, a bit of updates since I've last been here. It's been a rough week for our group, especially for me. Our plan was to get all of our recording done Wednesday, but luck wasn't exactly on our side. On Tuesday, I got sick at school and had to go home early. Good thing I did, because shortly after I came down with a fever and felt horrible. So naturally, I could not go to school Wednesday, the day we were supposed to record. So, it was up to the rest of my group to record the scenes of the interaction between Lauren and Detective Santana. But, they ran into some complications on their end. It was pouring at school and the scenes that needed to be filmed are outdoors, so they had to cancel. The plan was to stay after school and try again today. However, due to the extreme flooding from all the rain, school was closed for the day and tomorrow. So we had a predicament, but nothing that we couldn't fix. Franchesca drove over to Andres' house with Lauren and they finishe...