Creative Critical Reflection

Name: Isabel Reyes Creative Critical Reflection 1. How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or issues? Our production uses conventions by addressing the concept of ageism. Ageism is the term for prejudice and discrimination that are based on age. Our commercial includes a toddler, who tries to apply the lipstick to herself but ultimately gets caught by her mother. We evoke a sense of innocence and immaturity that is frequently linked with toddlers and their tendency towards mischief, particularly when young girls attempt to act more maturely by experimenting with cosmetics. This can also be tied in with how young children/teenagers in general often try to behave older than they are. This social issue is what often leads to teenagers making bad decisions with bad consequences, like teen pregnancy. 2. How does your product engage with audiences AND how would it be distributed as a re...