
As shown in the storyboard above, we plan to film our commercial in Hailey's aunt's house. For now, the plan is to meet in 2 days, when we have school off, to complete filming. We anticipate using her younger cousin, who will be one of the main actresses in the film. Additionally, we will be using her aunt as the second actress. We plan on using the child to show how the lipstick is wanted by adolescents as well as adults. The opening will feature the little girl, going through her mom's (Hailey's aunt's) makeup, and finding the lipstick. She will then try to give herself a makeover with the lipstick, which will come out messy as she is a child and we want to portray her adolescence. Afterward, her mom, or Hailey's aunt, will walk in and use it herself. This will show how the product is longed for by people of all ages. The commercial will end with L'Oreal's slogan and typical ending. We will shift the main focus on the product itself, with the brand and slogan "Because you're worth it" and some dramatic music. We will manipulate the lighting so that the product stands out. We will film the product at a low angle, making the lipstick seem superior and grand. The product itself is very small, so manipulation or how we apply angles and lighting is crucial to making the product seem bigger than it is. Our use of the child using the lipstick and applying it to her face is also to show another factor of L'Oreal products, which is that the makeup lasts. That even though it went through the harshness of the child, the makeup is still adequate and intact. We will show this factor as the adult applies the lipstick just used by the child and ends up looking beautiful. We will ensure the rest of the makeup on her face is kept minimal and neutral in order to show off the color of the lipstick. Both actresses seem very excited to film therefore I don't anticipate that they will be difficult to work with. All in all, we have planned and expect a successful filming process.


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