Production Blog 1

 We decided to film at Hailey's aunt's house on Wednesday, which we had no school. We also chose this location as we wanted to use her 4 year old cousin to give the commercial a bit of youth. We wanted to show how the lipstick is wanted by people of all ages, so we used the little girl and Hailey's middle aged aunt. We all decided to meet up at Hailey's house first to test out the camera and its abilities. We made a few test shots, using random items to test out camera angles. After a few test runs, we left Hailey's house and drove over to her aunts. We began to film, which proved a little difficult with working with the 4 year old. We began filming the scene where she walks into her mom's room. It took us a bit of time to figure out what angle we wanted to film at. Without context, we probably seemed a bit ridiculous, as we were in all kinds of positions trying out different angles. We shot this about 5 times before we were content with the results. The scenes where the little girl goes through her mom's makeup bag proved to be a bit difficult as the actress began to get tired and lose a bit of interest. However, we were able to convince her with a reward of dessert if she could cooperate with us. We filmed the shots more times than we could count, trying out different angles. Once we got to the scene where the little girl (sam) could finally put on the lipstick, she got excited and was easier to cooperate with. We filmed this scene too, multiple times and from different angles. However, once we were content with the results, the camera unfortunately lost battery. We waited for her aunt to finish her house duties before using her for filming anyways, so we left the camera charging as we waited for her. Unfortunately, by this time my parents were ready to pick me up, therefore I couldn't stay until the end. However, my group members filled me in on the rest of the filming and now we just need to import the shots. 

89 Aesthetic director ideas in 2022 | career vision board, film aesthetic,  dream life


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