Production Blog 3

The L'Oreal lipstick commercial is finally done! From planning to filming to editing, this whole process has not only been a learning experience, but also a fun one. As I have mentioned in my previous blogs, I do not particularly enjoy working in groups. I prefer being independent and being responsible for my own work, and not having the worry that someone is not pulling their weight. However, in this case, the members of my group were hard workers and had the same work ethic as me. I didn't have any problems and we all worked cooperatively and put together an amazing commercial. The filming process was successful, even when we had the occasional issues. Most of us had busy schedules, so we only settled one day for filming. We thought we were not going to have enough time, however we used the time we had efficiently and ended up finishing all we needed in one day. Another issue was when the 4 year old actress was not cooperating with us, we were all calm and collective and did not lose our patience. By incentivizing her cooperation wih a treat, we were able to finish the shots that included her. When we ran into our second problem, the camera dying, we also worked efficiently. As we waited for the camera to charge, we continued planning and directing with the adult actress, ensuring she knew what she had to do. The most important thing we anted to convey was how the lipstick is wanted by everyone, from children aspring to do makeup to adults for everyday use. We represented the youth with the young girl and her costume choice, making it very juvenile. The adult had more of an elegance to her look, showing the lipstick for a mature use. At this point, I had to get picked up as I had dance practice. The rest of my group finsihed the rest of the shots and together, we regrouped and reviewed everything. When it came to editing, my favorite part was choosing the music for the commercial. We thought about a lot of different musical styles, such classical orchestral music, Italian-style instrumental music, and several that felt vintage, and we came to the conclusion that the most apparent choice was music that flowed upbeat throughout the entire ad and yet managed to pick up at the finish. This resulted in a happy music choice that had an elevator-like feel. Overall, I am very proud of how our group pulled this off. 


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