And I'm Back!

 Hello Blog! It has been a while, but I am finally back. This month has been like a rollercoaster, which might be an understatement. I have had debate tournaments almost every weekend. About three weeks ago, I had a debate tournament at Emory University. I ended up breaking to quarter finals! I had to miss a couple days of school, which affected my grades. I was able to pick up my grades, but the next tournament at Harvard University this weekend set me back again. It was a great competition though. I broke to double octofinals, but at the same time I was a bit disappointed that I did not pass to octofinals. Regardless, the whether was VERY cold. Since I am from Florida, this was not something I was quite used to. Getting across campus in thirty degree whether was not very pleasant. However, the University itself was really beautiful and I am glad I got to experience visiting this University in Boston. I also got to spend my birthday during the debate trip. My friends all surprised me at midnight in my hotel room with cake and a bouquet of flowers! They sang me happy birthday and we all got to take pictures and videos. Also, we went to iHop for lunch and all the waiters even sang me happy birthday and gave me a free sundae! The trip was definitely one for the books. We arrived back in Florida very late Tuesday night around midnight, so I ended up not going to school yesterday. However, I talked with my group and we communicated available times for our filming day. We agreed that this weekend no one was available; primarily because some of us have another debate tournament. However, we agreed that we would begin filming next week, hopefully Wednesday. I'll be sure to update you!


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