Planning blog: Location, participants, health, schedule

 The participants in this project are...

Isabel reyes

Lauren Reitman 

Andres Sanatana


We all live very far from each other so we had to choose simple locations we could all get to, those locations are...

One of our houses- for simple shot we need to take, where we show the secret behind the mystery

Wilton drive- this will be used for a flashback that we are planning to do

Courtroom- we will only use this location for the first scene of our movie to give some background information


3/4 Saturday - we will begin filming either in one of our houses or Wilton drive

3/6 Monday - we will film in the courtroom

3/8- 8/12 - We will finish any filming that we have left

Between the weeks of 3/13-3/25 - we will do editing

Between 3/26- 4/1 - we will begin to plan and possibly film the CCR

Between 4/2-4/8 - Editing for CCR will begin

Between 4/-4/13 - everything will be finalized


Our locations over all are pretty safe the only location that maybe need extra precaution would be Wilton drive. It is a road but it has sidewalks with stores along it. To prevent us from walking too much on the actual street, most of us will be dropped off at the location. Later on that day we might have time to film some more in another location, meaning we would have to leave. One of our group members have a car and a license, so she would be able to take us to another location safely, it would probably one of our houses.

Other than that, any place we go we will be together and not separate from the group. But all of the places we are going are safe.


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