
After a lot of hard work and details with figuring out exact plot for our movie, here is our storyboard. ;) scene 1: establishing shot of a house scene 2: girl making breakfast when she gets a call scene 3: she picks up the phone and knows who it is immediately scene 4: guy walking to his house gets a call scene 5: he picks it up and immediately knows who it is scene 6: both the boy and girl realizing they have a new task to complete scene 7: girl runs to her computer to search up the name she was given scene 8: she cant find anything scene 9: she closes the computer scene 10: guy searches up the name he was given on facebook scene 11: he finds her immediately and finds out she lives in the same neighborhood as him scene 12: the next day the girl is getting ready for work when she hears a knock on the door scene 13: she goes downstairs to open the door but she sees a knife on the counter by the door, she puts it away. scene 14: she looks through the peep h...