
 After a lot of hard work and details with figuring out exact plot for our movie, here is our storyboard. ;)

scene 1:
establishing shot of a house
scene 2:
girl making breakfast when she gets a call
scene 3: 
she picks up the phone and knows who it is immediately 
scene 4:
guy walking to his house gets a call
scene 5: 
he picks it up and immediately knows who it is
scene 6:
both the boy and girl realizing they have a new task to complete
scene 7:
girl runs to her computer to search up the name she was given
scene 8:
she cant find anything
scene 9: 
she closes the computer
scene 10:
guy searches up the name he was given on facebook
scene 11:
he finds her immediately and finds out she lives in the same neighborhood as him
scene 12:
the next day the girl is getting ready for work when she hears a knock on the door
scene 13:
she goes downstairs to open the door but she sees a knife on the counter by the door, she puts it away.
scene 14:
she looks through the peep hole to see a man shes never met before holding a box of cookies.
scene 15:
she opens the door and the man introduces himself as a new neighbor who just moved in
scene 16: 
he hands her the cookies and says he hopes her and her husband enjoys them. 
scene 17:
she says she doesn't have a husband and the man says maybe they can get dinner sometime.
scene 18:
she agrees and closes the door.
scene 19:
she goes to her kitchen and tests the cookies for poison.
scene 20:
she thinks back to when he said he just moved in and goes to her computer
scene 21:
she searches up houses available in her area in the last 20 years and cant find any.
scene 22:
she then searches up the mans name to see if anyone with his name lives in the area and there is no one
scene 23: 
she goes back downstairs to check on the cookies and the poison test is positive
scene 24: 
she realizes this might be the man she has to kill.
scene 25:
thr next morning she goes on a run in the hopes that she sees him again.
scene 26:
the guy goes out to wash his car but in reality he is hoping she shows up.
scene 27:
while shes running she sees him washing his car and goes over to him
scene 28:
she stops running and goes to talk to him.
scene 29:
while she walks up the driveway she mentions the cookies that he gave her and asking her if they were good. the guy knows she didnt eat them.
scene 30:
she says she loved them and mentions the thing about dinner
scene 31: 
she agrees to go to dinner with him the following day.
scene 32:
they decide to meet at red lobster at 6 pm the next day.
scene 33:
she continues her run
scene 34:
while shes running away, the guy gets another call from the unknown number. 
scene 35:
he picks it up and the person asks how his task is going.
scene 36:
he mentions the plans about dinner for the next day and hangs up
scene 37:
while the girl is running away she gets a call.
scene 38:
she turns around before answering the phone to see if the guys looking and answers it.
scene 39:
she tells the person on the phone about the dinner
scene 40:
establishing shot of red lobster
scene 41:
the guy is waiting for the girl inside
scene 42:
the girl walks in wearing a gorgeous red dress and the guy is taken aback for a second
scene 43:
he snaps out of it and they get a table for 2
scene 43:
they're sitting in the restaurant having a nice dinner and conversation
scene 44:
all of a sudden the guy accidentally says her real name 
scene 45:
she decides to ignore it but this confirms that this is the guy she needs to kill.
scene 46:
when they’re finishing up dinner, the guy gets a text from the same person as before telling him to back out.
scene 47:
while the person is still typing, the guy turns off his phone and ignores it since he’s come so far he might as well finish what he started
scene 48:
the girl asks who that was
scene 49:
he says it was just is him but she knows he is lying
scene 50:
she decides to mention what he said about just moving in.
scene 51:
she calls his bluff but he decides to steer the conversation a different direction and ask if she wants to go on a walk
scene 52:
she agrees.
scene 53:
now theyre on a walk continuing their conversation p.
scene 54:
she stops and turns to him like shes about to kiss him
scene 55: 
he uses this opportunity to pull out a knife and try to stab her
scene 56:
she grabs his hand and asks him if he thinks shes stupid.
scene 57:
she kicks him to the ground and pulls out a gun
scene 58:
she says that she knows whoever texted him wasnt his mom and shoots him in the leg
scene 59:
he flinches in pain and says he knows she didnt eat the cookies
scene 60:
she mentions the poison and when shes off guard he stabs her in the leg
scene 61: 
she doesnt even flinch. instead she takes the knife out if her leg and stabs him in the chest.
scene 62:
she twists the knife to ensure he is dead and walks away
scene 63:
she walks away with a bloody knife in one hand, a gun in the other, and a smirk on her face, 
leaving his dead body behind.
scene 64:
she pulls out her phone and calls back the unknown number letting the person know that the job is done.
scene 65:
she hangs up the phone and walks away.
scene 66:
the end:)



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