Short film research: Amber (2021) (Thriller)


For further research my group and I decided to watch Amber, an award winning thriller short film made in 2021. In the establishing shot, we noticed that the filter and coloring was very summery and chill. There were also birds chirping in the beginning, making it clear that it was a chill day in the film. There wasn't any talking for the first couple of minutes in the film. In the film, the barber realizes that the guys hair he was cutting was a child abductor that the police were looking for. When we found out and the sound effect of realizing made us know for sure that this was a thriller. In almost all thrillers there are the same sound effects of the sound of  "realization." Then the guy looked out the window and saw the teddy bear the girl he abducted also has. When he saw, there was more scary sound effects. There was also common editing we've seen in other thrillers such as when the barber was cutting the abductors beard, he was getting quick flashbacks to pictures of the girl. He also looked scared like he didn't know what he should do or how to call the police. Then with the same razor blade, he holds the blade to the abductors neck while his eyes are closed like he is going to kill him. Even more common sound was seen here while he was holding the blade. There was very suspenseful music and there were jump-cuts between him and the blade. The abductor realizes the guy knows which then adds more to the thrill. the abductor ends up attacking him, but the barber fights back. Then there is a very dramatic and suspenseful fight scene, which is again, common in thrillers. In the end, the barber ends up killing the abductor. One thing we noticed though was that there was no talking during the entirety of the short film. I think this made it better for the plot since there was no words between the two they just both realized what each other knew. One thing I really liked was the suspenseful music because it intensified the scenes all together and really made the film a thriller. Although an aspect that didn't appeal to me as much was that in this short film in particular, almost half of it is them fighting. I think it would've been better if they built up a little more suspense till they ended up fighting. The best part of most thrillers is the suspense they build and the intensity they have. 


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