Website #1: Art of the Titles
Before we began figuring out the titles we would use for our movie, we researched different websites that would help. One of the websites that really caught our eye was "Art of The Titles." The home page has its main titles and two drop down menus, one named "title sequence" and the other named "designers+ studios." The first drop down had different titles, when you click on one it provided an article with some key points in the process of creating each title, the video of the title sequence, a written interview with the creator, and the credits. The second drop down had a big list of different designers and studios to choose from. When you clicked on a designer it provided a little background information on the designer themself; what they specialize in, where they studied this, their preferred styles. The page also includes a few article options of the titles they have created followed by a video of it. When you clicked on a studio name it provided a picture of their logo, what they specialize in, articles of their titles, and their designers. Over all the website gave me an example of different forms and idea people use for their movies. It gave me insight of the effect each title has, finding where the words are or how they appear, have a meaning. Each title is formed to give a type of amusement to the audience, and now I know that is what i will attempt to do in our movie.

Website #1: Watch the Titles
With our research on movie titles, we also came across the website "Watch the Titles." The first thing on the home page was a slide show of their featured title sequences and featured interviews of their designers. When you scroll down more interviews are shown, each one had a video of said interview. A little further down on the homepage were the different categories of title sequences. Some of them were for TV shows, featured films, events, video games, even one called student projects. So of course I had to check that one out. It had a few title sequences sent by actual students around the world. Most of them were assignments for a class so they were either a title sequence for a fake movie or a title sequence for an actual movie, that wasn't actually used in the movie. For each sequence there was an article explaining the thinking process of making each title, some even provide photos of exactly how they did it. For example one of the titles had a background with two different stencils on top to make the font they wanted. Most of them explained for each title why they did what they did, the feeling they were trying to cause, because each title still has to match the genre and story. That what makes each title so detailed and complex. On screen it's just a title but without noticing it gives character to the movie, like how or where it's placed. A lot of creativity goes into it, and by using some of these examples it give us a better idea of the effect we want to produce in our movie.

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