Script !


  • Santana (Andres Santana)

  • Maria (Isabel Reyes)

  • Ellie (Lauren Reitman)

  • Joel (Joseph Paez) 

Scene 1: 

(non-diegetic mysterious music starts playing)

  • Santana: Talk to me

  • Maria: Joel Cartwright, 27 male, accused of grand theft. Prosecution says Joel stole 20k from his company Quackers Inc. 

  • Santana: (non-diegetic music pauses) Quakers Inc?

  • Maria: Don’t question it. (non-diegetic music continues) Point is our buddy Joel claims he got this gambling, and it really is our word against his

  • Santana: Well then let's go fix his word.

(non-diegetic music lowers)

Scene 2: 

Cuts to him in the interrogation room.:

  • Santana: So 20 thousand huh? How’d you come about that?

  • Joel: Gambling, guess it was my night.

  • Santana: Is that so, huh?

  • Joel: Yeah. That’s so.

  • Santana: What was your hand Joel?

  • Joel: My hand?

  • Santana: Well yeah, You never forget a winning hand, much less a 20 thousand dollar one. 

  • Joel: (hesitates and kinda thinks)  5 queens, had a stroke of luck i guess.

  • Santana: They must play differently back in Brooklyn then, because last I checked there's only 4 queens in a deck.

Scene 3: 

Scene opens with santana flirting with some girls, get interrupted by a call, maria…

  • Maria (now on the phone): 5 queens a deck??!!?! I can’t believe you got him to say that, how’d you even come up with that?

  • Santana: Mhm, what can I say it’s what i do, I win

Maria: Yeah damn right you are, we’ve had a team of attorneys working for MONTHS to get something, and they found NOTHING. And you just walk in there and have him ready to settle in 5 minutes? Is there nothing you can’t do?!

  • Santana: mhmmm It’s just what i do. I’ll call you later. (hangs up) 

    Sorry about that, anyways as I was saying, I’m-

  • Ellie: Santana?!? Is that you? Please help me

  • Santana: Woah who are you?

  • RANDOM GIRLS: You seem a little busy, so we’re just gonna head out…

  • Santana: WAIT ladies no cmon! Ughh oh my god what?

  • Ellie: Look I have seen your work around and I really need help. I can’t afford you but theres this guy and I really feel like i'm in danger-

  • Santana : Then why are we even talking?

  • Ellie: what?

  • Santana: Listen lady if you’re in danger? call the cops. and if you're dying? Well i don’t know, call make-a-wish because I may not know how they work but I do know they do charity, and I don’t so we’re done here.

  • Ellie: wait! please!


Scene 4: 

(cocky non-diegetic music starts playing while santana get ready for his day)

  • There will be almost no dialogue during this scene

  • It will be him waking up, getting ready, maybe some lip syncing

  • Santana: (looking in a mirror) “Handsome as ever”

Scene 5: 

(once again no dialogue)

  • Santana begins to walk to the office when he sees the poster on a pole 

  • He takes a second to look at it, realizes it’s the girl from earlier 

  • Santana stares in shock as white noise begins to play and get loud

*Sound bridge now of Maria’s voice*

Scene 6:

  • Maria: HEY! Are you even listening to a word I’m saying??

  • Santana: Huh? Yeah no of course i’ll get it done

  • Maria: Oh yeah? Get what done, hm?

  • Santana: ……

  • Maria: Yeah, didn’t think so, listen I don’t know what’s up with you today but you need get it together and get your head in the game. So go home, go party, do whatever I don’t care just fix this.

  • Santana: Yeah ok jeez I’m sorry i’ll get myself together.

Scene 7:

(no dialogue)

  • He walks out of the office and he sees the poster again, stops at it, takes it off

  • Scene ends from him walking out of the shot

Scene 8:

*Sad music plays in the background while Santana beats himself up about Ellie*

  • Santana: (picks up phone and starts calling someone)


  • Santana: Hi, it’s me, listen I need your help.


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