Planning Blog
Props: Our primary prop is a L'Oréal lipstick because my group chose to create a L'Oréal Paris advertisement. We'll also use a mirror, a beauty bag, and other makeup items whose names won't be displayed, as props. Costumes: Two actors will be the subjects of our commercial. Our actors would dress in typical indoor home attire. The young person might dress in casual attire, such as a t-shirt with cartoon graphics. As the ad aims to make the scenario as relevant for families as possible, the elder actress would choose something straightforward like jeans and a blouse. Schedule: On 9/23/22, our group conducted research on conventions and codes of L'Oréal and general cosmetic commercials. On 9/29/22, our group established the props, costumes, location list. backup plan, and schedule. On 10/3/22, our group will create the storyboard for the 30-second commercial. On 10/11/22, our group will film and record the necessary shots for our commercial. On 10/13/22, our group ...