Planning Blog


Our primary prop is a L'Oréal lipstick because my group chose to create a L'Oréal Paris advertisement. We'll also use a mirror, a beauty bag, and other makeup items whose names won't be displayed, as props.


Two actors will be the subjects of our commercial. Our actors would dress in typical indoor home attire. The young person might dress in casual attire, such as a t-shirt with cartoon graphics. As the ad aims to make the scenario as relevant for families as possible, the elder actress would choose something straightforward like jeans and a blouse.


On 9/23/22, our group conducted research on conventions and codes of L'Oréal and general cosmetic commercials.

On 9/29/22, our group established the props, costumes, location list. backup plan, and schedule.

On 10/3/22, our group will create the storyboard for the 30-second commercial.

On 10/11/22, our group will film and record the necessary shots for our commercial.

On 10/13/22, our group will edit and add the final touches to our commercial.

Location List:

Our primary setting is the actress's house. We will primarily shoot in one of her bedrooms at home and also in the corridor. This would assist in directing attention away from the environment and toward what is happening between the two women. 

The second setting is a room that is well-lit and has a dark background to highlight the lipstick. This would highlight the lipstick's striking color and packaging.

Backup plan

The director's home also has a bedroom that is youthfully designed, so if we can't film there, we'll probably transfer locations. In order to keep the young actress's interest, we would shoot the scene as swiftly as we could. We would be obliged to alter course and show the lipstick on a group member if the little girl decided she didn't want to perform any longer, emphasizing adolescents rather than childhood in the advertisement. The main focus would be to show the usefulness of the product and its diversity, or how it could be applied to all generations. 

Camera clipart Vector Art Stock Images | : L'Oreal Paris Makeup Colour Riche Original Creamy, Hydrating  Satin Lipstick, 850 Brazil Nut, 1 Count : Lipstick : Beauty & Personal Care


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