Some Unexpected News

Hello again! I know that in my last couple of blogs I have been ranting about our busy tournament schedule. Well, nothing has changed. However, I did receive some very unexpected news today. It would be an understatement to say that today has been an emotional rollercoaster. If you recall last night, I was competing last weekend at our district's national qualifier tournament. I broke to finals and was placed as the second alternate after the three qualifiers and first alternate. Similarly, at our district's state qualifier, I also placed as second alternate. But as I was walking home from my bus stop this afternoon, I suddenly got a notification from my debate coach. I read it and I went int shock; someone had dropped the State tournament and a slot had opened for me. I immediately told my parents and called all of my friends! Everyone was very happy, and I was over the moon. This win helped me feel a lot better from the terrible school day I had. I had an AP Calculus test this morning and, well, I failed. To be fair, I know a lot of people who failed this test, people who usually get very high scores. This greatly affected my mood, so the news after school made me feel better. Additionally, I found out my entry into our school's Literacy Fair made first place! I had entered the same piece that I am competing with in original oratory in speech and debate, except revised in order to make it fit the "Informal Essay" category. With all this excitement, and disappointment, I have not had much time to communicate with my group today. I saw Savanah in physics class and we talked about solidifying a day for us to get together and film next week. So far it is looking like next Thursday is ideal. I'll be sure to update you all!

This was us after dinner, post tournament!


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