Group Meeting!

 Hi again! Long time no see! Joking, I posted yesterday. Anyways, there is some more news today. During first period, our group was able to meet and discuss our project. Since we all share the same period, we grouped ourselves together and gave updates. Most notable was Savannah, who told us she had purchased most of the props for our short film. This included several fake knifes and fake blood! We are all so excited to use these props since they are going to set us apart from other groups. The fake knives are essentially to be given to the lead actors, since they are plotting to eliminate each other. The fake blood will most likely be used in the fight scene to create more thrill to the movie. The only concern I have is that I am hoping the fake blood won’t stain my furniture. Since I don’t know the material, I am hoping it doesn’t stain my clothes or skin either. Additionally, Savannah and I further discussed our schedule for filming. Originally we had thought that next Tuesday would be ideal. However since her and I both completed the requirements for our Cambridge Diploma last year, our school is having an award ceremony to celebrate. Unfortunately this ceremony conflicts with our filming, we decided to move it Thursday. I just need to confirm with Sebas that he can make it on Thursday. If he can’t make it then we would probably have to reschedule again since he is our main character. Last week, he was concerned because he was very busy and pressured from his teachers. However, he already committed to this so I am hoping he will understand. Well, I’ll be sure to update you guys tomorrow!


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