Genre Decision!


Welcome back to our journey into this project. As you can see from our previous three blogs we've been thoroughly researching what possible genres we feel could best align with our pitch "A woman and man get ready to go on a date. They go to an Italian restaurant and have a lovely dinner. She's secretly a spy for the government and he's one of the most wanted assassins in the world. They decide to take a walk and he takes a mysterious turn into a dark, creepy alleyway. The woman and man both realize that they are on a mission to eliminate each other. Who will make it out alive?" Due to our pitch, we decided to research mystery, thriller, and horror.  We thought of Mystery because we felt as though the concept of the unknown would make it easy to attract the viewer's attention. Similarly, we thought of Thriller because it’s similar to Mystery in terms of using the unknown to its advantage. Finally, we thought horror because we like the aspect of something scary and we thought it would be cool to be able to incorporate it into our movie. The first thing we had to learn was the difference between thriller and mystery so that we'd be able to accurately depict what we were going for. And after researching we learned that while similar as they both use the unknown, the key difference is what is unknown. In thriller, there is a lot of suspense and intensity as the focus is that the events to come are unknown. It focuses on the future and shows there are so many possible ways the outcome could play out. mystery however builds suspense as the focus is that the events that had already occurred are unknown. Here it focuses on the past and shows that there are so many possibilities as to what truly happened in the past. We realized that while mystery would be an interesting genre to focus our movie on, we wanted something more suspenseful that would have the audience on the edge of their seats rather than questioning what would happen. Now, we were down to two genres, thriller and horror. Thriller and horror are very similar and many people don't know the difference. Horror is an attempt to bring out a fear response. It uses jump scares and creepy aspects to do this. Thriller is more to anticipate what will happen and bring out excitement for it. Sometimes thriller is scarier than horror. We decided we didn't want to do something scary with jumpscares or gory with a bunch of blood. So we decided on thriller. Thriller is the perfect genre for our movie since it has a scary aspect to it and also allows people to get excited about what will happen next. Now we’ve finally decided which genre we wanted to focus on, and have now brought ourselves one step closer to completing this project! That’s all for now, I hope you see you all again real soon!


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