A Little Change in Group

 For this year's project, I decided to change groups. You might see one familiar face as Lauren and I are still working together. However, instead of working with Andres and Franchesca, we decided to work with Brianna and Savanah. The reason was because all although Lauren and I got placed in the same class period, Andres and Franchesca did not. Therefore, it was not convenient to work together as a group. It would have been too much of a struggle communicating back and forth. So, we separated for the project this year. I decided I wanted to work with Brianna and Savanna because I had been friend with them for a while and we all share similar work ethics. I am familiar with their work ethic and I feel as though I can rely on them to be productive. I trust that my group can have a strong interpersonal tie and, in my opinion, we could solve any difficulty by working together. I decided to partner up with people I know are responsible and will not let me down as an individual and as a team. Most of us have similar classes, and outside of this class, we have previously supported one another academically. We all have studied or helped each other in a way, therefore I can see that we each place a high importance on education. Apart from working ethics, I chose to work the people in my group for convenience purposes. I share classes and see the people in my group at school almost, if not every, day. Additionally, I am also apart of similar clubs with the members of my group. So, having worked with them cooperatively in the past gives me confidence to our success in working with each other on this subject. Therefore, seeing each other so often could minimize communication issues. Apart from avoiding miscommunication, I know that my friends are good communicators. We all are easy to reach on command and I have not once had an issue with miscommunication, but I trust in them and myself to ask question on anything we are not sure of.  I do not live far from the people in my group, so that factor would be convenient for when we need to meet for this project outside of school hours. We also have a good dynamic as a group as we all have skills in different areas. For example, I am good at analysis while another is better at writing, and another is better at research. When it comes to beginning the project, I can trust my group to make fair contributions. In other words, I trust that we will all put in the same amount of work with the same amount of effort. Overall, I confide in my group and I believe we will work together efficiently. 

(Lauren wasn't here the day we took our group photo)


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