Production…with a plot twist !

 Today was supposed to be the day we started the actual production of our opening sequence. However, things did not go according to plan. Lauren, andres, franchesca and I were supposed to meet after school today from around three in the afternoon until about five. Specifically, we were supposed to film the scene where our detective, Santana, meets Elli for the first time, asking for his help. Then he rudely brushed her off the street and ignores her. Then later on, he sees a missing poster for Elli the next day. This was all supposed to be shot today, however things got a bit complicated. As we were in fifth period, the school announced a lockdown. Apparently, there was a situation in which police were looking for a student in possession of a weapon. They had us stay in our fifth period class until further notice, which ended up being for the rest of the day. During the lockdown, I actually got a lot of my school work done and (luckily enough) Lauren and Andres had the same class as me. We had a conversation about filming afterschool and whether or not the plan was on. But, we decided we would wait until we knew more about the situation to figure out if we needed to reschedule or not. Additionally the debate team and I also played Codenames, which we found to be a nice bonding moment. After a while, the school kept updating us during the lockdown, especially the complications with lunch. Administration ended up going from room to room delivering lunch. After hours and hours, they finally told us that they would be releasing us at regular time. By this time all of us were really restless and tired of the anxiety from the whole situation. So, we decided it was best for us to go home for the day and reschedule filming. Ultimately, we decided we would start Wednesday after school. 

 Playing codenames during the lockdown !


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