Title Research: Gone Girl

 In the opening sequence of "Gone Girl," there is a quick dialogue of a man talking about what he thinks about his wife. Then shortly after that, there is a bunch of clips of different scenery that last about 2 seconds each. In each of those small clips, the titles are displayed. They pop in fast and fade out. Including the enterprises, there are 25 titles displayed in all. The last title displayed is the date and text saying "the morning of". The images displayed give off a very somber and melancholy vibe. It makes me feel like the scene is right before sunrise and it's a quiet morning wherever the setting is. The images also give off an abandoned vibe. The music behind the clips is sort of creepy but calm. It gives the clips a more mysterious vibe. The genre is reinforced well through the music because it adds a more creepy effect to the clips.  It makes the audience curious about why it is so quiet. The lighting is a big convention of the opening sequence. The lighting adds to the mysterious and abandoned effect. You can easily tell from the first couple of clips what the genre is.


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