Movie Conventions Research: What Happened to Monday

 To research more about our genre we watched a few films based on mystery. One of the first films we watched was "What Happened to Monday," which we found on Netflix. The overall idea of it is a dystopian society with over population. To solve this issue in this world, they created a "one child" policy. The main characters, septuplets each named after a name of the week, go out into society on their corresponding day pretending to be each other so that they would all be able to live. 

   The first few scenes are one of the siblings walking out and doing their own stuff, once she got home there was a flashback which basically explained how they got to this point. Many mysteries have flashbacks, it's there go to, it just gives an idea without having to spend the whole movie explaining it. That's just one of the elements that match with the genre there was conflict, an issue in the system that caused a mystery, and or a secret. Same forms of editing like cross-cutting and similar angles like tracking shots were used. As well as the mis-en-scenes matched, for example clothing and make up were normal until the end where there was fighting, they used fake blood; make up under the eyes and around their face or body to appear tired and or hurt. 

    One of the main elements I liked of this film was the editing. Of course the angles had a big part in it, but those little details an angles couldn't get the music or editing did. The flashbacks throughout the film was my favorite, it added an "oh makes sense" moment or "oh that's why this is like that." Those little moments where the audience feels they are in the movie, understand what's going on, or feel as if they are the ones figuring out the mystery, is what makes the movie enjoyable. Editing helps a lot creating that idea, it creates those connections. Which I feel will be the easiest part in this process that will make the film make sense.

    Although in this movie, that are also common in this genre, had elements which I don't like and know will be a pain later trying to recreate. That being the setting, make up, costumes, lighting, props and what not. In the movie they made a new world, which is in the "future," meaning they had to have different props and setting to create this allusion. Although it is great for movie purposes it might be difficult for us to recreate since we are high school students with little to no access to these props.

What Happened to Monday (2017) - IMDb


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