Genre Decision

 Welcome back to our journey into this project! As you could see from our previous 3 blogs we’ve been thoroughly researching what possible genres we feel could best align with our pitch “A successful attorney encounters a woman in distress whom he later regrets rejecting.” After talking it out we had decided to investigate 3 main genres: Mystery, Thriller, and Romance. We thought of Mystery because we felt as though the concept of the unknown would make it easy to attract the viewers attention. Similarly we thought of Thriller because it’s similar to Mystery in terms of using the unknown to its advantage. Finally we also thought of Romance as we felt that perhaps a part of this unknown aspect we liked could include a lover. After selecting our 3 to choose from we began to research. The first thing we had to learn was the difference between Thriller and Mystery, so that we'd be able to accurately depict what we were going for. And after researching we learned that while similar as they both use the unknown, the key difference is what is unknown. In Thriller, there is a lot of suspense and intensity as the focus is that the events to come are unknown. It focuses on the future and shows there are so many possible ways the outcome could play out. Mystery however builds suspense as the focus is that the events that had already occurred are unknown. Here it focuses on the past and shows that there are so many possibilities as to what truly happened in the past. After establishing this we thought back to the pitch where because of the actions of this attorney something happens that he has to resolve. We decided the direction we wanted to take would focus on discovering the truth of what already happened, which would align more with Mystery than Thriller. Finally we had to decide whether we wanted this to be predominantly Romance centered or Mystery Centered. After researching more, a big difference between the two is the intended mood of each. Mystery is much more serious as something important happened that the protagonists will try to uncover, whereas Romance tends to be more upbeat and hopeful since it’s about the happiness of 2 characters. Again it came down to which direction we wanted to take this project and after careful consideration we decided to go for a more serious route, leading us to Mystery. Now we’ve finally decided which genre we wanted to focus on, and have now brought ourselves one step closer to completing this project! That’s all for now, I hope you see you all again real soon!

Gargantuan Music - Mystery Theme STEM VIOLA - YouTube


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