Production blog...or lack of

 So, today was honestly not very productive at all. I left this morning to go out of town and I am actually typing this blog two hours away from where I usually live. Lately, I have been trying to get all my assignments done and study before all my midterms next week. Needless to say that has been distracting me from focusing on this project. However, I do not want to say I didn't put in the effort. To recap on our last group meeting, all of our schedules were very busy. With me going out of town and everyone worrying about midterms, it has been hard for anyone of us to find spare time. Tomorrow, I am going to my friend's birthday party, however she lives far. So, getting ready and driving to the venue will take up almost all of my day. On Sunday, my family anticipated a barbecue to celebrate the world cup finals. This goes without saying, but my schedule is pretty packed. Because of this, it was very unlikely that we were going to have the time to physically regroup and continue with the editing process. Therefore, we decided a FaceTime call would most likely be our best bet. With a FaceTime call, we can utilize the screen sharing feature, which allows all of us to see exactly what is going on without being in the same physical room as the editor.  This way, we can get the work done without having to make plans to meet up somewhere, and it will most likely even take less time. The only challenge so far is trying to figure out when we are going to do this. We only have this weekend to work with, and so far everyone has a tight schedule. I couldn't even make it to school today nor did I start any of my school work until about an hour ago. I tried to text the group-chat to push everyone to make time in their schedule, but I am still waiting on a reply from anyone. To be fair, it is about ten o'clock at night, so everyone might be in bed.

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