Production blog: what I accomplished in class

 So, to recap from my previous blog, our team finally has all the takes we need. All there is left to do is edit and put the pieces together. Because I couldn't make it to filming due to my strained hip, I wanted to contribute more towards the editing process. I didn't want to neglect my team, nor make them feel like they have a heavier load. Therefore, I communicated this to the team and we decided we needed to regroup to work on editing. However, there is a bit of challenge. Everyone else on my team, besides me, has 5th period media studies, while I have 2nd, which makes communication a bit difficult for me. This is also why most of our communication has been over the phone, whether it be through call or text. I've also had a hard time when it comes to putting time into this project. As I mentioned in my intro blog, I struggle with juggling school and dance practices at the same time. Lately, it has been affecting my grades and my motivation. Often times, I get home from practice as late at 11pm; a time where I am too tired to dedicate to school. However, tomorrow my group and I were planning on meeting at school during our study hall period. It is then where we are going to plan and edit our shots in order to create our ideal music video. Over the next few days, I am making it my priority to not let my team down. Although what happened to me the morning of filming day was unanticipated, I still feel bad for missing and not helping out my team. Later on the evening of filming day, I had asked Hailey to send me all the shots that they took so I can see them for myself. Over the last couple of days, I've had the chance to look over them and made notes on what I would like to work on in editing. I wanted to come prepared to our meeting tomorrow, having already studied the takes so that my team does not feel like I am neglecting them. I anticipate tomorrow to be a productive day and I am very excited to work on this project. :)

Little white with team work text teamwork Vector Image


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