Production blog: it got a little complicated...

 So, it turns out that everyone in our group, including myself, have very busy schedules. With a due date of next Monday, we don't have much time to waste. Today, I was able to regroup with my teammates in order to figure out the editing situation. Although we planned what we want to have edited, we still haven't started the process. As we regrouped, we discussed each of our schedules for the weekend. Unfortunately, I would be out of town starting tomorrow. In fact, I am even missing a whole day of school so I wouldn't be able to physically regroup with my team. On Saturday, I will still be out of town and attending my friend's birthday party. I come back Sunday, however my parents are throwing a gathering to all watch the finals for the World Cup, so I most likely will not have time that day to regroup. With midterms coming up, I also need time to study and get all my assignments in before the quarter. Especially with how dance has been taking up so much of my time, I need this time to finish all my work before the semester. Hailey also said she has her weekend packed and it might be a bit difficult. She also expressed how much filming day took out of her. In other words, filming day in itself took almost the whole day, so she feels as though the editing process shouldn't be that demanding. Kyra and Alessandra also expressed how studying for midterms might take up a lot of their time as well. All in all, were all very busy and trying to find a time to physically meet up and edit might be too difficult. Hence, we decided we were going to complete editing via FaceTime. Luckily enough, FaceTime now has a screen sharing feature, which allows us to see the screen of whoever we are designating to edit. A FaceTime call will mostly likely fit into everyone's schedules and can help us get the work done most efficiently. Hopefully everything goes according to plan and we make our vision a reality.

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