Production blog: Filming day!

 Unfortunately...things did not go as planned.

The original plan was to meet last weekend, December 3rd. However, we were not prepared so we decided to push the filming day back one week. We took this week to plan everything out and finally, we were prepared. All of our amazon orders came in on time. Specifically, the props that were to be used in the video, such as the fake money. We organized with our guy friends an appropriate time to meet at the sawgrass mall, as well as went over the process and attire. Although we mostly planned on using our phones for recording as it had better quality, we rented out a camera and tripod just in case. We were hesitant on using it due to the experience we had with our last project, where we found out the battery life was not ideal. With all this in mind, everything was set for Saturday. Unfortunately, things had taken a turn for me. Last Friday, the day before filming, I had a dance performance scheduled at an event in Miami. At said performance, I must have moved a muscle the wrong way because I woke up Saturday morning with a horrible pain in my hip. I tried to play it off, knowing it was filming day and my team needed me. However, it was just too painful to bare and I decided I would not be able to make it. I felt bad because It was short notice, however I did not feel as though I would've been useful or enjoyed the experience with the pain in my hip. I let my team know and apologized, and they all understood and wished me to get better. Later that evening I called my team members and asked to be filled in on the filming. Fortunately, they told me nothing but good news. All the ideal takes were filmed and I got sent the recordings. It looked great and I was so proud of my team. In order to compensate, I hope to help in editing later this week. 

20k watch Hailey tried on at the mall! Part of the video!


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